The International Workshop on Navigation and Motion Control is postponed for September 28 – October 2, 2020 on the decision of the Program and Organizing Committees due to the epidemic.
This year the organizers changed the traditional format of the Workshop and organized it at a different venue: Samara University rather that CSRI Elektropribor.
The International Workshop on Navigation and Motion Control has been conducted since 2003. Talented students and postgraduate students from Russia, Germany, Finland, Great Britain, China, etc. are invited to present their papers, attend the lectures delivered by famous scientists in navigation and motion control, and communicate with their colleagues in informal atmosphere. The Workshop is traditionally held at Elektropribor Test Center (Cape Cheremukhin, at the shore of Ladoga lake).

The following topics will be discussed at the Workshop:
- fundamental problems in navigation and motion control;
- gyroscopic systems based on new physical principles for navigation and motion control systems;
- development and application of artificial intelligence in navigation and motion control;
- fundamental issues in development and application of micromechanical and microelectronic technologies, sensors and systems for mobile objects;
- processing of large data arrays in geoinformation systems for navigation and motion control;
- modern integrated navigation and control systems for space research;
- fundamental issues of providing high accuracy and reliability of satellite navigation for mobile objects;
- navigation and control of nanosatellites and their constellations in advanced space missions.
The Workshop is organized by Samara University, Academy of Navigation and Motion Control, Concern CSRI Elektropribor, Progress Rocket Space Center, and ITMO University.